Vrh Z2 from Georgeland Jack-Daniel's von Arlett & Prada from Georgeland |
Druhá abeceda2020-2024 odchováno 158 jedinců(73 psů a 85 fen) |
Vrh Y2 from Georgeland Zet vom Napte-Emmer-Eck & Kaira Best of the Gods |
Vrh X2 from Georgeland Jack-Daniel's von Arlett & Victoria Hartis Bohemia |
Vrh W2 from Georgeland Urso von der Zenteiche & Angie from Georgeland |
Vrh V2 from Georgeland Yegor from Georgeland & Kerie from Georgeland |
Vrh U2 from Georgeland Nano de la Petite Laeticia & Wara from Georgeland |
Vrh T2 from Georgeland Arre Hartis Bohemia & Victoria Hartis Bohemia |
Vrh S2 from Georgeland Jack-Daniel's von Arlett & Prada from Georgeland |
Vrh R2 from Georgeland Jack-Daniel's von Arlett & Kaira Best of the Gods |
Vrh Q2 from Georgeland Yegor from Georgeland & Wara from Georgeland |
Vrh P2 from Georgeland Yegor from Georgela & Orsee vom Messina |
Vrh O2 from Georgeland Jack-Daniel's von Arlett & Kerie from Georgeland |
Vrh N2 from Georgeland Jack-Daniel's von Arlett & Queen from Georgeland |
Vrh M2 from Georgeland Jack-Daniels von Arlett & Nella z Lipé Moravia |
Vrh L2 from Georgeland Zamp von Aurelius & Victoria Hartis Bohemia |
Vrh K2 from Georgeland Ultravox von Arlett & Kaira Best of the Gods |
Vrh J2 from Georgeland Quintus vom Team Ulmental & Prada from Georgeland |
Vrh I2 from Georgeland Asap vom Aldamar & Orsee vom Messina |
Vrh Ch2 from Georgeland Spencer di Casa Massarelli & Queen from Georgeland |
Vrh H2 from Georgeland Chap vom Hannes & Kerie from Georgeland |
Vrh G2 from Georgeland Asap vom Aldamar & Heidy from Georgeland |
Vrh F2 from Georgeland Verdi Hartis Bohemia & Queen from Georgeland |
Vrh E2 from Georgeland Kaira Best of the Gods & Karlo vom Team Arlett |
Vrh D2 from Georgeland Verdi Hartis Bohemia & Kerie from Georgeland |
Vrh C2 from Georgeland Ibor vom Hühnegrab & Kaira Best of the Gods |
Vrh B2 from Georgeland Karlo vom Team Arlett & Heidy from Georgeland |
Vrh A2 from Georgeland Asap vom Aldamar & Victoria Hartis Bohemia |
První abeceda 2008-2020 odchováno 139 jedinců (66 psů a 73 fen)
Vrh "Z" |
Karlo vom Team Arlett |
Kerie from Georgeland |
Vrh "Y" |
Karlo vom Team Arlett |
Kaira Best of the Gods |
Vrh "X" |
Karlo vom Team Arlett |
Victoria Hartis Bohemia |
Vrh "W" |
Jack-Daniel´s von Arlett |
Orsee vom Messina |
Vrh "V" |
Wait vom Haus Tchorz |
Kerie from Georgeland |
Vrh "U" |
Spencer di sa Massarelli |
Sofie Moravia Kar-Mi |
Vrh "T" |
Saša z Lintichu |
Heidy from Georgeland |
Vrh "S" |
Artuš Scania Hof |
Orsee vom Messina |
Vrh "R" |
Falco z Lipé Moravia |
Kaira Best of the Gods |
Vrh "Q" |
Falco z Lipé Moravia |
Orsee vom Messina |
Vrh "P" |
Pacco vom Langenbungert |
Sofie Moravia Kar-Mi |
Vrh "O" |
Kros Best of the Gods |
Heidy from Georgeland |
Vrh "N" |
Kai vom Bierstadter Hof |
Kaira Best of the Gods |
Vrh "M" |
Duncan vom Messina |
Sofie Moravia Kar-Mi |
Vrh "L" |
Klaus von Tronje |
Heidy from Georgeland |
Vrh "K" |
Dux del Maglio |
Sofie Moravia Kar-Mi |
Vrh "J" |
Xantto Hartis Bohemia |
Heaven from Georgeland |
Vrh "I" |
Zac Hartis Bohemia |
Heaven from Georgeland |
Vrh "Ch" |
Oberon vom Funken Spiel |
Lira Grand Alger |
Vrh "H" |
Xedos Schreidon |
Zaira Redox |
Vrh "G" |
Bacardi Avax Hof |
Zaira Redox |
Vrh "F" |
Vinty Sherak |
Qina od Hradu Drahotuch |
Vrh "E" |
Cak Hartis Bohemia |
Clarisa Perazma |
Vrh "D" |
Armin in Regnum Mariánum |
Qina od Hradu Drahotuch |